The Kingdom

Jesus House Melbourne > Sermon > The Kingdom

The Kingdom

Friday 17th November 2023

Topic: The Kingdom

Minister: Pst Alaka

1. The Kingdom of God is Righteousness

The Kingdom is the place where God reigns sovereign

The Kingdom is where the will of God is expressed. Romans 14:17

Righteousness is right standing with God at all times and on all issues.

Right standing with God is standing for and standing with the truth (Holiness).

When we are standing with truth, we are standing with Jesus, we’re standing on the Word.

When we speak the truth, we must speak the truth in love.

When we talk about truth, we stand for the truth, we live the truth, and we speak the truth in love.

2. The Kingdom of God is peace

Peace is being at peace with God and loving peaceably with all men.

Hebrews 12:14-15 – A lack of peace brings about bitterness. Without peace, Holy living is not possible.

3. The Kingdom of God is Joy in the Holy Ghost – Joy is not happiness. Happiness is determined by external things.

Joy is internal. It’s not affected by situation.

The Holy Ghost is the source of our Joy

4. The Kingdom is not in words but in Power 1 Cor 4:20

The Word of God has power 2 Cor 3:6

Deuteronomy 8:18

It is God that gives power to be and power to get.

The transforming power is in the Word of God. It is the power that changes things around for us.

Hebrews 11:3

Each individual has his/her world. We can frame our world by the word of God because there is power in the word.

Psalm 118:17

Psalm 24:1

Psalm 115:16

God owns the heavens and the earth, but appointed man to rule on earth. Earth was handed to man

Luke 4:5-6 But when man fell, he lost his authority to the Devil.

Wrong exchange can make us lose our inheritance.

Wrong exchanges occur when we disobey God

Adam by disobedience, lost the authority, dominion, and mandate he was given.

But Jesus, by His death and resurrection, opened a way for us to take back what we lost.

In order to enter into the Kingdom of God, you must grow in the word of God. You must grow in the spirit. John 3:3-16

Being born of water means to the born of the word

Revelations 1:6, 5:10

The mandate that Adam lost has been given back to us.

For you to be a King, it is not enough to be born again.

When you are born again, you can only see the kingdom of God.

To enter the Kingdom of God you need to be born of the word. You have to take back the mandate God has given you.

Once you become a king in the Kingdom of God, you become a target of the Devil.

In everything we do, we’re to prioritize the Kingdom of God.

Just like Jesus, we must always be kingdom minded.

The Kingdom of God is not a static one. It is an expansionist Kingdom. This is why we must be evangelistic. Daniel 2:24

We must seek at all times to bring more people into God’s kingdom.